Master in Business Managment

Rey Juan Carlos University

Characteristics of the training programme

Collaborating entity: Rey Juan Carlos University

Number of credits: 60 ECTs

Mode of study: Classroom-based, Blended learning, Online

Language(s) Taught in: English

Aimed at: Anyone interested in developing their professional career in the area of business management in general and specifically in one of the areas covered: Business Management, Tourism Business Management and Finance.

Objectives: The objective of this master’s degree is to provide professionals with up-to-date skills and knowledge that will enable them to face such a complex and dynamic business environment, through advanced training in the main areas of business administration, and with specialisation in business-focused management, tourism business management and Finance.




  • Module 1.- Economy (8 ETCs)

Economics Basics. Supply and Demand. Elasticities and Market Equilibrium. Production Function. Production costs. Market models. Overview of macroeconomics. Gross domestic product National income versus disposable income. Per capita income. Macroeconomic imbalances.

  • Module 2.- Business Management (8 ETCs)

The Company and the Entrepreneur. The Theory of Management and Functions in the Organization. Internal Organization of the Company: An Opperational Approach. The Company in the New Millenium

  • Module 3.- Management Accounting (8 ETCs)

Cost (Introduction, Classification of costs, How to calculate the costs of manufacturing)

Cost Control Model (Full cost model vs Variable cost model, The break even point, Segmented statements

Relevant Cost for decision making (Relevant cost, Relevant decisions in an international environment)

  • Module 4.- Digital Marketing Management (8 ETCs)

Search Engine optimization. Internet analytics. Search engine Marketing. Social Media Marketing. Digital Marketing Plan

3 Specialisations: 2 subjects per specialisation (one of the following must be chosen):

Speciality in Business Management

  • Module 5.- Humman Resources Management (8 ETCs)

Organizational models in tourist entities Selection of personnel and technological platforms. Identification and mapping of competencies and available positions. Management styles and leadership of human teams

  • Module 6.- Innovation Management (8 ETCs)

Introduction to innovation as a concept and key terms. Innovation life cycle. The team and its importance. Creativity. What is an innovation strategy. Innovation projects and how to manage them

Specialty Tourism Management

  • Module 7.- Entrepreneurship and business development in tourism (8 ETCs)

Introduction to entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. Identification of tourism business opportunities. Business development and validation. Business growth and profitability. Business plan, and planning and decision support tools

  • Module 8.- Planning and production of tourist events (8 ETCs)

The discipline of protocol. State institutions. The protocol in the company. The precedences, presidencies and flags. Production of events. Resource Identification. Selection of suppliers. Time evaluation. Cost evaluation. Event Planning. Creation phase. Information phase  Project phase. Execution phase. Assessment phase.

Speciality Finnacial Management

  • Module 9.- Financial Reporting (8 ETCs)

The financial statements. The recording process. Adjusting the accounts. Reporting accounting numbers. Accounting for sales revenue and receivables. Cost of goods sold and inventories. Current liabilities; long term debt. Plant assets, natural resources and intangible assets. Corporations. Organization, share transactions and equity. The cash flow statement

Financial statement analysis. Ratios analysis overview.

  • Module 10.- Advanced financing models in entrepreneurial ecosystems (8 ETCs)

Importance of financial management in the Startup. Financial concepts for entrepreneurs. Introduction to the Financial Statements. Classical sources of financing. Alternative sources of financing. Barriers to funding a startup: Stages. Banking financing and negotiation advice and alternatives. Case Study: Funding Model “Entrepreneur Startup IA”

Master Thesis

  • Module 11.- Master Thesis (12 ETCs)