Training for the future and employment

What is SERCES?

SERCES (SERCAR Centro de Estudios Superiores) is an institution belonging to the SERCAR group of companies, oriented towards the management of training and postgraduate studies through agreements with prestigious Spanish universities.

Our programmes are endorsed by the teaching teams of the best universities in Spain, as well as by the most successful professionals in the business sectors.

Our aim is to offer you a complete and quality training through the most up-to-date programmes so that you can achieve the professional projection and employment you are looking for.

SERCES trainings

UAB Academic Programs

Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB Barcelona

ENAE Academic Programs

ENAE Bussiness School of Murcia affiliated to UM y UPCT

UCAM Academic Programs

Catholic University of Murcia - UCAM Murcia

The Open Faculty

Tourism and International Relations

UPSA Academic Programs

Pontificial University of Salamanca


SERCAR Center for Higher Studies

IL3-UB Academic Programs

Institute for Continuing Education IL3-UB